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Indiana CPA Society joins Accounting+ to Advance Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Within Accounting

Accounting+ is a first-of-its kind, profession-backed, campaign to actively engage high school and college students with dynamic, tailored resources on the benefits of a career in accounting.

The Indiana CPA Society has joined the growing coalition committed to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within accounting through Accounting+, a nationwide campaign to attract a new generation of diverse students into the talent pipeline.

Led by the Center for Audit Quality (CAQ), a nonpartisan public policy organization serving as the voice of U.S. public company auditors, Accounting+ is a first-of-its kind, profession-backed, campaign to actively engage high school and college students with dynamic, tailored resources on the benefits of a career in accounting, including paths to entrepreneurship and to helping build vibrant local communities.

The campaign dispels misperceptions about accounting — namely, that it is not interesting or a profession that can help them reach their goals. The Accounting+ campaign is based on research that found substantial openness to accounting as a profession.

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“We are focused on addressing the diversity gap that exists within accounting,” said Liz

Barentzen, Vice President Talent Initiatives, CAQ. “With Accounting+, our goal is to reach the next generation of accounting professionals and ensure that students can see themselves within this exciting, high-demand field.”

By joining Accounting+, Indiana CPA Society commits to be part of the collective effort to improve diversity in accounting by playing an important role in upskilling communities and working to create a more diverse talent pipeline.

“The CPA license offers students the business and technical expertise that can carve a path into any field,” said INCPAS President & CEO Courtney Kincaid, CAE. “The nature of the work is so important to the future workforce — we need to do a better job showing students how being a CPA will support their ability to create change. With this partnership, we aim to help reach a wider audience of future talent on how our profession can help meet career goals and elevate professional trajectories from the outset.”